Student Drop Off and Pick Up


        Drop off of students will be in between the high school and elementary school buildings. This is a drop off only zone, as busses will also be unloading here, so NO PARKING. Parking will be on the north and south of the school buildings for parents to escort children into the school building. Freehome street is a one way street, please do not enter from the south. The orange gate will lock at 8:15 am each day and unlock at 3:30pm. Remember that all 3 year olds and 4 years olds must be walked into the classroom to sign in and out each day for the safety of all.



      During the day all 3 year-old through 6th grade students must be checked out and picked up at the elementary office on the east side of the elementary building. All 7th -12th grade needing to leave during the day must come to the office and be checked out by a parent/guardian and sign out.  Students must be picked up at the high school office (west side of high school building). The buses will load in between the high school and elementary buildings starting at 3:20 pm for all bus riders. Elementary students that are to be picked up or walk home must do so at 3:25pm in the school cafeteria. Please use the cafeteria doors on the north side of the elementary building for pick up.