
Calumet Public Schools (Pre K through 12th Grade) will return to in-person learning next week on Monday, February 1st.

We ask that all students please return their iPads, Chromebooks, and chargers on Monday when they get back to school. Be careful when transporting your devices back to school. (Screens can still be cracked while in a backpack.) 

Students should continue to wear masks and practice social distancing while in school. Please contact your school's office and keep your child home if they are feeling sick. Remember these exposure guidelines:

  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you need to stay home for 10 days from when you first felt sick. You need to be fever-free for 24 hours without medicine and symptoms must have improved.
  •  If you are quarantined or exposed to COVID-19, you need to wait until the 5th day after exposure or later to get tested. If you have a negative test, you may return after day 7. If you don’t want to test, you can come back after 10 days.

We are excited to get back to learning in the classroom. Please contact the school if you have any questions.