Homecoming is just around the corner and our varsity cheerleading squad is very excited about all of the events they will be hosting this year!
The 2021 Homecoming game will be combined with our Coaches vs. Cancer game and is scheduled for November 19th. We will kick off our week by having dress up days and a coin drive.
The last Coaches vs. Cancer game we hosted raised over $2,779! We are hoping to beat that goal this year.
Spirit Week Schedule:
Monday, November 15 | Penny Day
Be Brave (Dress like a Hero Day)
Tuesday, November 16 | Nickel Day
Cancer Fighters are our STARS (Dress like your favorite TV/Movie Character)
Wednesday, November 17 | Dime Day
Be Strong, Fight On (Dress like a fighter/boxer/sports gear)
Thursday, November 18 | Quarter Day
A Cure is Under Construction (Dress like a Construction Worker)
Friday, November 19th | Cash and Checks (made out to Coaches VS Cancer Foundation)
Pink Out Day (Wear Pink!)
We will have our first ever homecoming parade at 4:00 PM on the afternoon of the 19th. If you are interested in participating, please contact Coach Jech at jechm@chs.k12.ok.us.
Following the parade, we will be hosting an Alumni Game at 4:30 PM!
The Calumet Lady Chieftains will play at 6:30 PM with the boys game following. During the game, there will be several fun things taking place such as: Chuck-a-Duck, Half Court shots, a cheerleading performance, dessert raffle, miracle minute, and more!
The Homecoming Ceremony will take place after the boys basketball game.
The Calumet High School Homecoming Dance will follow the Homecoming Ceremony. The formal attire dance is for 7th-12th graders and tickets are $5 (pre-sale)/$10 at the door.
Homecoming Schedule (November 19th):
1:45 PM - Pep Rally
4:00 PM - First Ever Homecoming Parade
4:30 PM - Alumni Game
6:30 PM - Basketball Games Begin
After Games - Homecoming Ceremony
After Ceremony- Homecoming Dance (Lasts until 11:45 PM)
We hope to see you at our Coaches vs. Cancer Homecoming game on November 19th, wearing all your pink!
If you would like to participate in the parade or alumni game, please contact Mrs. Jech at jechm@chs.k12.ok.us