We had so much fun at the State Fair today. We enjoyed watching the girls 8 and under Trick Riding.
More fair memories!
State Fair fun!
Calumet FFA COLT Conference 2018
Raven Smith at the State Fair with her class winning gilt
FFA Officers at COLT conference with State FFA President Cole Eschete
Story retelling with finger puppets.
Spirit Club shirts are IN! Almost all shirts were sent home today! I have very few extras so if you want one- let me know!
C.A.R.E. Week starts tomorrow with penny drive.
Building cubes
U-u-u unicorn!
Square and cubes... yummy!
New Skills!
Good behavior all week deserves an outdoor picnic!
Spelling Practice... the fun way!
Brody, Jose, and JJ running XC at Norman this morning.
Beautiful night for baseball at Calumet Tournament
Jazmine Mayo running XC at Norman and placing 17th out of about 200 runners.
Mikah Mayo running XC at Norman.
3rd Grade built their own bridges today!