Sixth Grade Tesseraets
Sr Emma learning to weld
A BIG thank you to Parks & coffee for bringing us treats today. I believe it was a big hit.
Spirit Club shirts are being printed and should be here soon! I apologize for the delay. They will be delivered soon!
More recess fun!
Recess is everyone’s favorite subject!
Blue and Gold will be here tomorrow around noon
Place Value Bingo & Last Man Standing!
Pete the Cat themed snack in Kindergarten!
August Students of the Month
Awesome win for the Chieftains! 12-7
Raven Smith won Reserve Grand at the Geary Livestock show
Meghan McCullough on Grand Gilt at the Geary Livestock show
Inside recess and friends
Social studies, Oklahoma, and math in kindergarten... a busy Friday!
Phonics Dance in First Grade! They had this down the first week! This is a great group of kiddos!
Games today in Enid
Playing sparkle with spelling words!
Calumet teachers are getting ready for the book fair. Come by and see us. There are lots of great books.
Kids of Character for August